Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hahaha...he's trying to write another blog?!

Yeah, that's what I'm saying to myself too.  But it's the only way that I journal.  And even though I didn't do it alot on Xanga in college, I still appreciate reading what I wrote back then.  It gives me insights into what I was thinking and feeling, and it reminds me of events that I had long forgotten.  So here's my blog, reborn.

Since returning from Mauritania I've been floating.  The first, oh, two weeks was pretty good, but ever since then I've wanted to get plugged in and settle down somewhere.  It's not that I've lost my love of travel and seeing new places (like I'll ever lose that), but boy do I really hate living out of a bag.

Ok, I need to qualify that a little.  I hate living out of a bag in places that I call home.  At my parent's house and at Melissa's parent's house I feel at home, I belong there...but, especially at my parent's house, I belonged there as a kid.  So when I come in with one small bag, live in their guest room or Melissa's old bedroom, have no job and no schedule, it invalidates me, invalidates my experiences.  Not my parents mind you, neither mine nor Melissa's have invalidated my experiences...but the situation does.  Floating in a place that should be my home, but being unable to connect because I'm not really a part of their life or their schedule prevents me from fully living there; and so invalidates me by placing me in guest status.

I think that's why it only bothers me in one of the places I call Home; I'm not used to being a guest here.  Put me someplace new and I know that I'm watching the world from behind the glass, and I know that they're watching me right back.  But at home, at a place where I've never watched through the window, suddenly there's a separation, and we stare back and forth at each other watching as each goes about his business, not knowing how to do the observation thing with a family member.

Well, Melissa and I finally broke the window and stepped back through to join the world on this side of things.  We found a place to live and from there we can live life again, rather than just observing our family.

So, off of the strange inner workings of my psyche and on to events, and normal outer workings of my life:

Here's some things that have been happening in and around my life:

1) Dad is still planning on doing some fix-it-up work at Grandmom's over Labor Day weekend.  I'll be over there at some point to do one of the more odd, construction work type things that need to be done, but there are all sorts of things that we could use your help for...and it doesn't have to be this next weekend.  Check out Dad's partial list here and if you see something you could do, let us know by filling out the form on the page, emailing me or Dad, or giving us a call.  It's nothing formal, just trying to make it easier for us to help Grandmom out.

2) I'm still looking for jobs.  I've got contract work with SmartRevenue to do some market research stuff but it's apparently not the most consistent job ever.  I've applied to a bunch of different schools, a couple of office jobs, a few SAT/ACT tutoring type jobs, and I'm turning in my application to the Cheesecake Factory today.  Gotta get some money coming in instead of just going out.

3) Our apartment is livable now...we still have boxes sitting around in every room, but we're getting more organized every day.  Melissa even already took some pictures, I'll link to them here if I can.

4) I'm following a couple of blogs that inspired me to start writing again.  They have much better things to say that I do and will probably be more consistent.  I've listed them out below in hopes that you'll give them a try and that you'll appreciate them as much as I do:

Finding the Narrow Way
Reading through the Bible in 90 days and writing his thoughts and observations about each daily passage here.  To read his first post about what he's doing and why, click here.

Trying to Follow
Ariah blogs about topics that are important to him, primarily his faith and his attempt to live his faith out in his day to day life.

Considering Loss
"Life is today and now and everyday. And I will be carrying my cross. This blog is a space ... to record my journey while always mindful of the fact that years ago I died to myself and my life should be a reflection of that."

Jesus and Life
"The writings of a mid-20s man trying to live out the teachings of Jesus as a husband, Youth Director and follower of Christ in the midst of an ever changing, challenging, and chaotic world."


  1. I'm glad that you and Melissa are able to start creating Home again. Looking forward to reading your blog.

  2. I always forget that you are way more eloquent when I am when you actually get around to writing--I love reading it! Especially because even though I'm always here a lot of times I forget to ask...and it's nice to know what's going on.
