Thursday, February 11, 2010

Google Search: "how to hang cabinets on the wall"

Researching skills that I had once upon a time in order to build some kitchen cabinets for my mother I came across the following article using the Google search from the title. I wish that I could say that I wrote this very funny piece, but since I didn't I will quote you an excerpt from the beginning of the article and then give you the link to the article so that you can read the rest:

How to Hang a Cabinet
"...recently I realized I needed a new medicine cabinet for my bathroom. When the salesperson at Medicine Cabinets Party Town Discount Superstore told me how easily I would be able to assemble and hang this piece of furniture, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do a little bit of home improvement, and then brag about it unrelentingly for the rest of my life.

The salesperson assured me I would be able to assemble and hang the medicine cabinet with a few easy steps, in about 15 minutes. His estimate was off by only 13 weeks, two days, nine hours, and six minutes..."
The rest of the article can be found here How to Hang a Cabinet

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Danger of a Single Story

I saw this on my friend Dan's Facebook wall and thought it was worth re-posting. It's 19 minutes long, but it's worth it, so find some time and watch Chimamanda Adichie's talk about the Danger's of a "single story". In what areas and about what people do you only have a single story?